This Sunday marks a full year of blogging (minus some missed Sundays along the way - including the past 3 ...).

As I evaluate how the blog has functioned (and the reasons why I never got around to it some weeks) I’ve decided to make a few changes to this blog.

Here is what to expect in upcoming blog posts:

1. They will be posted early in the week (my goal is to have them done on Monday or Tuesday).

2. They will be shorter – in the area of 400 words or less.

3. Rather than the blog post reflecting a particular way into the text similar to my sermon, the blog will be a place where I jot down opening thoughts and initial responses to the text and commentaries I’ve read, and perhaps pose questions concerning to explore further. In some sense, my goal is for the post to not necessarily be full and complete.

4. By making these changes and setting these guidelines I hope to be more flexible in the form of the blog. Sometimes I may highlight a few key words, a particular verse, a biblical or important historical connection, or even just list a few bullet points of things that stand out. So the posts might look different (and some might be really short) but I hope that with each post it will encourage us to study God’s word together. (For instance: the blog might talk solely about the text; or it might be a series of three or four short questions; or it might highlight a connection to a recent story in the news or in pop-culture, or it might highlight a Bible story that our sermon text references and make some connections between the two).

It is my prayer that these changes will help us to deeply engage Scripture and dwell with the sermon text before our Sunday morning worship service and beyond. I also pray that the Spirit will use these posts to encourage us to study Scripture, make connections between different texts, and reveal to us in a more full way God’s wondrous grace.

Soli Deo Gloria – Glory to God alone.